Tuesday 24 July 2012

Business Morale Drops Effecting Advertising Spend

As business confidence deteriorates as marketing spend falls, the IPA Bellwether released a report on Thursday 12th July based upon 300 British companies, they estimated that marketing spend fell the second quarter of this year with 23 percent of companies reporting a budget reduction. However 22 percent of firms surveyed increased their spending with internet advertising bucking the trend, especially in SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) with an approximate increase of 8 percent month on month, other Online Marketing such as Web Design, Pay Per Click and App Development saw an increase of some 5.4 percent, in an attempt to attract frugal customers.
The increase spending on Online Marketing has been cited by the IPA as “A means to quickly grow sales, especially in a downturn when customers are particularly cost-conscious.”
Chris Williamson, who wrote the report, said “An upturn in business optimism could soon feed through to higher marketing spend,” and “the Olympics should of course provide a boost during the third quarter”.
However the reality is that most companies have come to the realisation that advertising in the magazines, newspapers, or on the Television and or radio does not attract anyway nears as much custom as ‘target marketing’ such as the likes of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and Pay Per Click, where instead of relying on 1 hit in every 100 per advert, the customer finds what they are after on the Search Engines for Keywords (the name of the product and or services), therefore a much higher proportion of people coming to a website actual want that product. The real benefits to companies are that SEO is in fact far cheaper than any other form of advertising and the results speak for themselves!
The Pros and Cons:
Though internet marketing is on the increase so are cowboy SEO Companies, if you do decided to go ahead with Search Engine Optimisation it is imperative that you check out a company’s abilities and client base before proceeding with their service, as you could run the risk of being completely de-indexed from every search engine, cheep is not always cheerful!
So when looking for a genuine SEO Company with over 15 years experience and a 100 percent track record it can be very tough, there are very few around like that of Kd Web.